The Alumni of Coon Rapids High School

Cardinal Alumni News!

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(announce stuff you want everyone to know about!)

29-September-2003: Website Updated!
After a lengthy absence, the Alumni Website is finally updated! We're up to 439 entries now!

15-September-2003: `83ers, `93ers, & `98ers!
Let us know how your reunions went by sending Tom an e-mail. I'll post it here on this page.

12-September-2003: 1993 10-Year Reunion
Class of 1993 had their 10-year reunion today. It was quite disappointing. Where was everybody? You'd think that with nearly 700 fellow `93 graduates at least a 100-200 alumni would have shown up. Nope! It was more like 100 people all together--including spouses and other guests! There were more at the 5-year! We need to be sure to better promote future reunions for all classes! When you hear about your next reunion, make sure you get the word out to all your fellow classmates! Messages can be posted on this site here as well as on CRHS's Website, click on Alumni.

19-June-2003: Reunion News!
For information on reunions and other events check out the Message Board at CRHS's new website and click on Alumni.
Reunions this year are being organized by Reunion Organizers
You can also find useful information from

19-June-2003: Reunion News!
The Class of 1993 will have its 10-year reunion Friday, September 12, 2003 at the Courtyards of Andover.
The Class of 1983's 20-year reunion will be held Friday, September 26, 2003 at the Metropolitan.

2-November-2001: Searching for Cardinal Football Alumni!
I am not an alumnus of CRHS, but my son is a senior this year. I am the president of the Sideliners Booster Club for Cardinal Football. We have developed a Web Page and are trying to find Alumni who played football at Coon Rapids. We need all the support we can get, because of cut backs by the school district. I would appreciate it if you could put a blurb on your web page to ask football alumni to contact me or let me know if you have any suggestions to help me out. We have looked in the records, but don't have specific records for just football alumni. It would mean going through every male student and checking to see if they played football and then figuring out where they are. I believe Blaine has a football alumni and CR needs to keep up with the Blaine's! Thanks!
--Darrell Gorham

Stop for moment and think how many of us have walked the halls of Coon Rapids High School, how many fellow students we each graduated with, and how many places we have gone to around the world. We'll never really know how this date affected the alumni of Coon Rapids High School.

This website will be slow at updating due to my going back to school for my teaching license and Master's degree. Please be patient and I'll update all your info as time allows! Thanks!
--Tom Kroeger `93

10-December-2000: Alumni Website Linked to CRHS's Website!
Thanx to John Mowry, CRHS Webmaster

9-September-2000: Not a real Alum, but just checkin'
I was a classmate of some of the `95ers at Morris Bye and Coon Joon, but moved from CR in 7th grade. If you read this and think, "Hey, I remember THAT guy." Give me a call or drop a line!
116 W. 23rd St. Ste 500, Rm 183 - New York, NY - 10011
Tel# 646-279-6262 (cell); 646-375-2303 (work)
--Carl Winter

25-July-2000: The 335th Cardinal Alum added!

20-June-2000: Searching for 1984 Alumni!
I was taking a mental trip back in time and wondering how to find older yearbooks or contact other students from 1984. '84 was a good year for CRHS. State football champs, the upside down Volkswagen outside the front doors on homecoming, and the school skip day to Lake George before graduation... Any help would be appreciated. Thanx!
--Kelly James Tracy `84

10-April-2000: The 329th Cardinal Alum added!

22-March-2000: This is a very cool page, thanks for the time and effort to put it up. Its always cool to see where people end up. I just happened to stumble on it while searching for a few people.
--Steve Lauer `95
Thanks, Steve!

29-February-2000: The 317th Cardinal Alum added!

24-January-2000: Important notice to all: As of 27-February-2000. The 612 Area Code will be splitting into 3 differnt area codes. Minneapolis proper will remain 612 but everything north of Interstate-394 (from Plymouth to Elk River) will now be 763-xxx-xxxx. And everything south of I-394 (Minnetonka to Burnsville) will become 952-xxx-xxxx. Please note that not all the telephone numbers listed on this site will reflect the new changes. The 651 Area (City of St. Paul and Ramsey County) will remain the same.

24-January-2000: The 306th Cardinal Alum added!

29-November-1999: The 290th Cardinal Alum added!!!! Let's see if we can hit 300 before the year's end!

13-August-1999: The 261st Cardinal Alum has just been added!

18-May-1999: I am running for State Representative (GOP) in 2000 for District 49B. I need a lot of help. Please e-mail me [] if you want to help out!
--Gerald W. Horn `72

01-April-1999: Anyone know when and where is the 1989 10-year reunion is being held this year?
--Shannon Schroeder (Van Sant) `89

01-March-1999: Class of 1990 10 year reunion. Info Website:
--courtesy of Martin Ganser `90

18-January-1999: Class of 1979 20 year reunion: 24 July 1999. Minneapolis Hilton North.
--courtesy of Julie Keller (Odegard) `87

31-July-1998: Class of 1993 5 year reunion was held this week at the Seasons Restaurant at Bunker Hill in Coon Rapids. It was great to see all of you who could make it!
--Tom Kroeger `93

26-April-1998: The date has been set for June 26, 1998, at my folk's house in Coon Rapids. Hopefully this will be a bit more convenient for everybody than the last shindig in Wyoming. Time is TBD, but definitely plan on bringing your own choice of beverage (ice will be provided), and we'll have a grill going too, feel free to contribute to the food by bringing your favorite.
Feel free to pass the word to those who haven't gotten this message. E-mail if you need directions, more information, or to RSVP. Please let me know your interest (and those you pass this on to) so that we can plan and figure out if we need a tent/extra chairs/extra coolers. Thanks!!!
--Ben Johnson `94
American University, BA-SOC `96
Equipment Coordinator, Fox News Washington Bureau

24-April-1998: There is now an e-mail address and website for the Class of 1978. E-mail Tyler Smith at or visit

20-April-1998: That time of the year has come when many people enter that big transition in life called graduation. Been there, done that. But I still haven't held a graduation party for myself, and neither has my good friend Chrys. And while we missed all of you at our graduations, we really can't blame you for not being there - we were on opposite ends of the country after all. But don't fret -- instead let's celebrate our graduation and yours at this incarnation of Ben and Chrys' Big Summer Bash. Plans are in the works, and you can expect regular updates and reminders, becuase while we love our friends very, very dearly, we would like to see some new faces at this (we think our friends would too!!). All we ask is that you help get the word out to the "old" gang. The date has yet to be set, but is likely to be a Friday or Saturday falling in the last two weeks of June (since I'm still on the other side of the country!). Please e-mail with your interest, and any input you may have regarding dates, dinners, drinks, discussion topics, etc., and just to say "HI!" or to remove you from the list I've been building.
Hope to see you in June, and remember the forward button if your friend!! Cheers!
--Ben Johnson `94
American University, BA-SOC `96
Equipment Coordinator, Fox News Washington Bureau

18-December-1997: Dear CRHS Alumni: This is Ryan George from the Cardinal Chronicle and I am doing an article on the history of plays. I was wondering if you could tell me which plays were your favorite, least favorite, most talked about, and most highly attended. You can reach me via Ms. Westergard's e-mail []. Thanks.
--Ryan George, Cardinal Chronicle

Cardinal Class of: 1966~1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Click on a year

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Maintained by Tom Kroeger `93.
© 1996-2004 Enosian Publishing, uLtd.

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