You Know You've Been Watching Too Much When...

A collection of silliness from some of the fans of the best sci-fi show on television!

1) You can spell "Straczynski" correctly every time.
2) You start talking to the back of your hand.
3) You start trying to move small objects with your psi powers.
4) You send non-serious threads to r.a.s.t.B5. :-}
5) Your conversations become as mysterious as those of Kosh.
6) You think that the Centauri hair-style is conservative.
7) You avoid being outside in sun-light because you are paranoid about shadows.
8) You change the motto on your family's crest to "There is always a boom!"
9) You drive your car as if you are flying a Star Fury in the Battle of the Line.
10) You feel an uncontrollable urge to encase yourself in a cocoon.
11) You start to swagger and talk in a Centauri accent!
12) You start hating nice-guy Chekov on Star Trek because he's a baddie on B5.
13) You get fed up of foreign exchange students and want a Minbari one.
14) Rereading Lord of the Rings every time you *think* you see a reference.
15) Answering "yes" in the grocery store when the clerk asks, "Paper or plastic?"
16) Saying "I'm going to Blue Sector" when you mean you're going to take a bath.
17) You get the chills whenever a waitress asks you "What do you want?"
18) You read and post to rastb5 four or five weeks into rerun season.
19) While listening to 10,000 Maniacs "Hey Jack Kerouac" off "In My Tribe" you hear the line "Hey Jack,now for the tricky part, when you were the brightest star who were the shadows?"
20) You go to your grocer's freezer section and check the frozen mackerel display - just to be sure that Deathwalker is really dead.
21) You have an instant, negative response to any advertisement asking, "What do you want?"
22) You feel compelled to prolong a trivial thread on a.t.b-5.
23) You wanna know if there are any xenobiology courses in med school.
24) You get the feeling that you have always been here!
25) You find yourself incapable of encountering the sentence, "What do you want?", either spoken or in print, without at least mentally responding, "Never ask that question!"
26) While waiting to get Michael O'Hare's autograph at a SF bookstore in NYC, the person behind you asks, "Are you on the line?" causing you do a double-take.
27) When you're scanning through and you almost click on a posting called "Joe vs. the Volcano" because you think it might be about jms.
28) You buy stock in PPG Industries [ticker symbol: PPG], for no reason other than the name.
29) You then show up at their annual meeting, and ask when they're going to start a weapons division! (You know you've REALLY OD'd on B5 then)
30) "I was playing with my Micromachines. The mere fact that I am an adult is bad enough. But because there are no Shadow ships in the set, I like to make cool spider shapes with my hands and attack the ships. Kinda cool actually. Haven't quite got the cloaking effect down yet though."
31) You begin to request jump-points from B-5 control every time you are stuck in heavy traffic.
32) You wish that your PPG had a full charge so you could hose your boss.
33) You ask for an extra day off to celebrate your Day of Ascension.
34) You hope that you aren't spaced by your wife for not cleaning up the family room.
35) You wonder if your cat has a Minbari soul.
36) You are concerned over your hotel reservations and weather or not your room will be equipped with a running water or a vibe-shower.
37) You worried to much over what to offer a group of people hiding underneath you floors to get them to sing Chant.
38) You find yourself breaking out your Legos or Erector Set to build your own Star Fury.
39) When on opening day you think Benito Santiago, catcher for the Cincinnati Reds, is the former EA president working undercover.
40) You feel all alone in the night.
41) You try to execute a program on a UNIX machine and you get an error message. You slap your forehead and go "duh!" while you typein the command again with the proper "./" preceding it. In the midst of typing this, your eye is caught by the error message itself: ksh: xxxxxxxxx [xxx=generic gibberish] and for a moment you think you've found some information on Kosh. Then you glance around to make sure no one saw your face while it was contorting.
42) "I bought a new pair of headphones (Ambassador Koss model 75), and... >>deletia<<" Please tell me I'm not the only one who misread this and wondered when the Vorlons went into the audio-equipment business, and where could I buy some of these?
43) "I was reading our local paper today, saw one of the headlines, and did a quick double-take. From the May 9, 1995 edition of the _Bangor_Daily_News_: `Shadow war comes home to U.S.` It`s just an article by Peter Brown, a local writer, about counter-terrorism issues. I would've been worried if I also misread the paper's title as Universe Today."
44) You see an ad in the newspaper for a book entitled, "The Man Who Cast Two Shadows" and you think, "There's a book about Morden?" >and my wife tells me it's `just a tv show<
45) You think you see something out of the corner of your eye and your friend says 'It's just a shadow', making you duck for cover.
46) To pass the time though summer (and the reruns) you wrack your brains trying to figure out good lines to post to the YKYBWTMB5W thread.
47) You realise the stuff you hauled out of the bottom of the pool in spring clean up is really spoo. :-p
48) You call your wife Delenn at just the wrong time. D'oh! :-o
49) You look forward to B5 reruns more than first-runs of STV or DS9.
50) Your cheer when your e-mail says something like: `Subject: JMS posts to...`
51) Your office mate sends you an audio file with a shallow hoarse voice saying..."We have always been here"...
52) You're listening to Nine Inch Nails "Downward Spiral" and suddenly hear Trent Reznor spew out: "My whole existence is Flarn..." (Either that, or I've been listening to way too much Nine Inch Nails...
53) You are cloud gazing, and you suddenly notice that one of the clouds look suspiciously like a Vorlon Squid. You know, the one that nuked Deathwalker. Then you start frantically looking for the jumpgate!
54) [from]:: I saw "Norton utilities for people," and my brain saw, "Morden utilities for people." I've been writing too much. -> The sad part is, I haven't, and I immediately pictured a special version of Norton Utils with a special support program...whenever you run into a software problem, three Symantec tech support people step out of the shadows and offer to get rid of all your problems for a fee to be determined later. Stick with a Macin-kosh.<< --> If you do that, all you get is cryptic responses to everything.<<
55) You hear your nephew talking about the X-men video game, saying "Cyclops is too cool!", mistake "cyclops" for Psi-cops and think "CAPCOM's put out a B5 fighting game? Where is it at?!"
56) You're at the supermarket and the cashier ask if you want paper or plastic, and you start mixing up your B5 quotes: Clerk: Paper or plastic? you: Yes. Clerk: Which one? you: What do YOU want? Clerk: Security! You: Ahhh, my good friend, Mr. Garibaldi. Security: All right let's go, get out of here.
57) You're trimming purple petunias in window boxes, with their deep green leaves, and all you can think of is "Green...Purple..."
58) You're driving, and hear a commercial for Motel 6, then spend the next 30 miles wondering what happened to Motels 1-5.
59) You see a newspaper article whose headline mentions the B-2 Bomber, and you assume it's about the the person responsible for B2's destruction.
60) You start wondering what your PC really needs 96k of ShadowRAM for...
61) You catch yourself looking for Rangers while watching a video of 'La Traviata'.
62) You're listening to music and you start mis-hearing lyrics you know by heart such as: -Led Zeppelin's "Battle of Evermore," you hear "the sky is filled with good and bad/That *morden* only knows," instead of *mortals*. -And when they mention the "Prince of Peace," you think of Sinclair and comic #4. -In Black Sabbath's "Luke's Wall," you think of all the conspiracies going on when you hear "Generals in their masses/Just like witches at black masses." -And in "Planet Caravan," you swear you hear Ozzy mention G'Quan.
63) You jump because you think you see a shadow moving out of the corner of your eye. Then when you look right at it, you realize it really *is* moving, and it scares the hell out of you until you notice that the shadow is from a piece of paper moving slightly in the air currents.
64) You notice the TV movie "Shadows of Desire" stars Nicollette *Sheridan*, and Joe Lando (which you first misread as "Londo").
65) What happens when there's no B5 for a while: (Kermit voice): It's the Muppet Show! With our very special guest star, Kosh Naranek! YAY!!!!!!!" (We see a bright blue sky, some sheep; a typical meadow set. MUPPETS are swirling about in gingham dresses: MISS PIGGY, some CHICKENS, GONZO, some PIGS. KOSH comes on. The MUSIC swells) KOSH: **mmhrmemrhmehSQUEAkmeme* "The hills are alive..." MISS PIGGY: "...wiiith the sound of muuusic..." (The music suddenly goes silent. Extreme closeup on KOSH) KOSH: **mmhrmemrhmehSQUEAkmeme* "No. The hills...are alive..." HILLS: Rar!!! (Giant MUPPET HILLS jump up and start devouring the other muppets) MISS PIGGY (and others): AAAAAAA!!!! (Kosh pops a straw hat on his "head" and does a little soft-shoe as he EXITS, stage right)
66) You wreck your car on the highway by spinning the wheel fully around while traveling at 80 miles per hour, trying to imitate Sheridan leaving the station in "AAitN."
67) When you're having trouble starting your (up until now perfectly reliable) car to go home from work at 5:00 and your only thought is the dreadful realisation that you might actually MISS the new episode of B5 at 6pm.
68) When you leave food in your car for a few weeks, just so that you can say that your vehicle has "organic technology" inside.
69) ...and writing too many procedures when you look at Step B-4 and wonder when....
70) When your professor says to the class, "The answer to your question can be found in appendix B-5," and you shout: "Yeesss!" Then everyone just stares at you.
71) "I was put on hold for a very very long time today. Luckily there was music. Then I heard: 'Something's come over me/My baby's got a secret.' I looked at the receiver, shook my head and did a double-take because on B5, everyone has a secret. And it's the talk of the net!"
72) You're having a hard time deciding what to have at a restaurant or the like, you can be heard to say aloud "What do I want"? in a Mordenesque conspiratorial tone.
73) You're watching the skiffy channel and on a teaser you hear them mention the name of an organization "Earth First" and you pay really close attention. (not that you understood it)
74) Your mother asks 'What do you want? [for dinner]' and your first impulse is to respond: "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike, as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I want to look into your lifeless eyes, and wave, like this. Can you and your associates arrange this for me?"...but you manage to resist the urge and respond instead: "Never ask that question!"
75) I want to see a jms YKYBWTMB5W! (Hmmm, does that qualify as a YKYBWTMB5W?)
76) You're watching a video of 'The Last Emperor', you notice the hairstyles of the Imperial Guards, & then you start looking for parallels to try & predict what's going to happen next...
77) You open up T. Brazelton's book on child raising to the chapter on "Spacing Children" and immediately think of the Streibs....Or the bear...
78) You're in a bookstore, and you see a book titled "People of the Line", and you flip through it, only to be disappointed that it has nothing to do with the Earth-Minbari war.
79) You name your new Australian Bearded Dragon (that's a lizard, everybody) Valen because he's your tenth animal and now you can say you have Valen and the Nine. (Oh, and one of the Nine is A Veiled Chameleon named Mira.)
80) You open the iguana's pen in the morning and your husband asks with suspicion "Has he pooped yet?" and you answer "No, he didn't eat yesterday so he won't poop today." You and he (the husband, not the lizard) then gaze at each other across the living room and solemnly in tone "No POOP today. POOP tomorrow. There's always a POOP tomorrow."
81) You hear a "Serta Perfect Sleeper" commercial, and the lines: "...when shadows creep, here we lie in perfect sleep." make you sit up & yell "That's what *you* think!" at the TV...
82) You see a shadow move out of the corner of your eye, hit the main lights in the hallway, and are simultaneously relieved and reviled to find out it was only a waterbug...Then you go get the Raid, humming the B5 second season theme...
83) You call your travel agent and say that it is vitally important that you arrange transportation to Minbar, and that you need directions to the Earth embassy.
84) You're driving, and you lower your voice two octaves and say "Initiate jump point back into normal space" when you downshift.
85) Your try to out-run your own shadow.
86) Regular Star Trek: episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." Guinan offers prune juice to Worf. He tastes it and says "A Warrior's drink." He is then called to the bridge and the episode takes off. JMS' Star Trek: episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." Guinan offers prune juice to Worf. He tastes it and says "A Warriors drink." He finishes his drink, picks up a thick newspaper and leaves 10 forward. The next scene shows him on the toilet reading the paper.
87) You have a dream in which you meet an old friend who smiles secretively and says "Yes, I still do. Not every day, but sometimes" without any question actually having been asked (the phrase isn't a quote AFAIK, but the bizarrity of this spontaneous answer with no question struck me as kind of B5ish).
88) You're sitting at work, working away, and you do a double-take on a document with CONTROL COPY stamped on it.
89) You're strolling down the corridor and you mishear part of a conversation in a nearby office as "So what's the position on Z'ha'dum?"
90) You start to wonder if you DID mishear it...or if that's what someone actually asked?
91) You start dreaming about anything relating to B5 (this covers many, many topics)
92) One of my textbooks for this semester is called "Modern Operating Systems" (Computer Science). I interpreted it as "Morden Operating Systems."
93) Your ma points out a dark spot on the white wall of the rec room and asks you if it's a shadow from the TV and a chill runs up your spine. (it happened - no, really!)
94) You return from having seen Batman Forever and wonder if Kosh is really Bruce Wayne beneath that suit.
95) You are disappointed that your newspaper's religious page doesn't list a Foundationist church.
96) You find yourself referring to your car as a 'Starfury' and go 'on patrol' with 'Requiem for the Line' from the B5 CD cranked up on your car stereo.
97) You put the phrase 'Is it October yet?' in your signature file.
98) Your hairstyle matches Londo's.
99) Your sexual fantasies include Delenn.
100) Your color is hot pink.
101) You believe that in a past life you were a member of the Grey Council.
102) You can't shake the feeling that B4 is DS9.
103) The only ancient history you know is that of ancient Babylon.
104) You pretend to blackmail Londo.
105) You say "There is a hole in your mind." to insult someone.
106) You think Vulcans are members of the Psi Corps.
107) You wonder who would win a fight between a Minbari and a Vulcan.
108) Your .newsrc is exactly "".
109) You keep saying "data crystal" instead of "diskette".
110) You finger <> and wonder why doesn't it work...then you remember that he's now <>
111) It doesn't work either, and then you conclude it must be a problem with the nameserver.
112) Someone uses insecticide, you shout "Are you mad? Do you wanna kill N'grath?"...then don't understand why everyone stares at you.
113) You try to watch Mu¹tai fights on ESPN.
114) You actually call them to complain about it.
115) You want to brain wipe someone you really hate.
116) You think Darth Vader is a Vorlon.
117) You think Chekov was really Bester doing an undercover spying mission.
118) You want to become monk of the Third Fain of Chu¹domo.
119) You believe the Grim Reaper is a soul hunter.
120) You wonder what Captain Kirk was doing during the Earth/Minbari war.
121) You ask political experts whether Al Gore has got the flu already.
122) You are upset because CNN doesn't report anything about Ragesh 3.
123) You wonder what's wrong when you calculate your age as >300.
124) Your biggest worry is Narn expansionism.
125) You fart, and that makes you think of Vorlons.
126) You keep on thinking what went wrong in the Battle of the Line.
127) Your first son has just been born, and you can't think of any names other than Londo, Lennier and Kosh.
128) You pretend to spend some vacations on Mars.
129) Your dreams include something scary about flutes made up of bones.
130) You're afraid that your soul will escape if you're cut open.
131) You think Ivanova *is* god.
132) You ask the Air Force recruiter about the Starfury Training Program.
133) You go to the produce section of the grocery store and ask if their spoo is fresh.
134) Your wardrobe consists of nothing but white, military-pressed collarless shirts and military pressed slacks.
135) You wonder who would win a testosterone battle between Garibaldi and Tim Allen.
136) You tell the plastic surgeon you want to have an operation to make you an anatomically correct Centauri.
137) You have a bumper sticker that says "My other car's a Starfury".
138) You have a bumper sticker that says "Warning: Fully loaded Cobra Bay in trunk".
139) You have made a PPG.
140) You start scouring the world to try and find enough Quantium-40 to make a jump-point generator.
141) You change from zip-fasten to fasten-zip.
142) Your WWW client's hot list has over 100 entries and 95% of them point to Babylon 5 pages.
143) You keep a notepad and pencil next to your bed so that you can write down what Kosh says in your dreams, should Kosh happen to appear.
144) At work, you don't go to strikes because of fear of the Rush Act.
145) You go asking everyone "What do you want?". (can't emphasize it enough, can we, people?)
146) You wonder why the war vet, Amis bears a striking resemblance to Murdoch from the A-Team and Lt. Barclay from ST...and if Bester and this war vet got to different Enterprises in different centuries via the same rift that ate B4.
147) The phone rings, and instead of picking up the receiver you tap the back of your hand.
148) You go to the aquarium and wonder if there's any significance to the fact that there's a kind of fish called the Garibaldi.
149) You call your cable operator and ask what cable package comes with ISN.
150) You are watching Letterman when the camera flashes to the audience. Two women are sitting quietly, not laughing at the jokes and wearing black gloves. You immediately shout, "Psi Corps!".
151) You wonder where the hell is that clean, efficient Minbari power source for your new Kawasaki motorcycle.
152) You catch yourself looking for rangers in the background while watching an opera.
153) You skive off work just to see what the TV listings magazines have to say about the new episode within an hour of them appearing on the shelves.
154) You're planning your vacation, and the only place that appeals to you is Mollari State Park.
155) You find yourself wondering if being "sued for whiplash" is common in the 23rd century or if it's just a figure of speech.
156) You know who used the above expression, the title of the episode in which they used it, and the context.
157) You watch "Tron" just to see Bruce Boxleitner running around in skintights.
158) You are channel surfing and come across an auto race on ESPN. You notice one of the drivers has "PPG" on the side of his car, and start wondering if they are the company making side arms for the EA.
159) You can lip sync with all of the dialogue and you bring props (such as a Teddy Bear, emblazoned with 'JS,' for spacing during a crucial scene) for audience participation.
160) You get hired for a new job, and the first thing you notice is that the uniform shirts look just like the white shirts the command crew wear, except, of course, for the company logo.
161) You go to the mall and your significant other yells, "Hey! They have Kosh lawn darts." Naturally, you run toward him, and he says, "Well, okay 'Koosh,' but if you turn them this way they look like Kosh's ship." And you agree.
162) You're driving along in the car, listening to the B5 soundtrack, musing on some random spoilers you've treated yourself to from the UK, when you involuntarily scream, "OCTOBER!! AAAARGGH!" and the people in the next car look at you funny.
163) You go through your entire music collection to fill a tape full of songs that remind you of B5 and intermingle them with sound bites of favorite lines.
164) You go to a Star Trek Convention wearing a button that says "Ivanova is God" and buy only B5 merchandise.
165) A friend tells you she may be working for SyBase, and you think, madly, for a moment: "What the *secret* one on Mars?
166) Is it just me, or does Morden look like an evil Bob Saget? Wait - make that a *more* evil Bob Saget...
167) You are reading post in rastb5 at 8:35pm on a Friday night.
168) You think Disney should have cast Morden in "Aladdin" instead of Robin Williams. `<poof> What do you want? <poof> What do you want?`...
169) You start your first ever game of Civilization, and you choose the Babylonian civilizations, and the name you choose as leader is J. Michael Straczynski. Boy, I wish there was something else good on TV.
170) You realise that three black Marks & Sparks T-shirt hangers, lying on top of one another, look remarkably like a Shadowship.
171) You notice the vet gave you a flea shampoo called "Petcor", and you nearly ask him how you get those little gloves on your cat's paws...-> So, how *did* you get the gloves on your cat? And where does it wear its "psi" badge? :)<<
172) You know it's a looooong way to October, when you think of things like this, and go to the trouble of posting them: The Rangers, Sheridan, Delenn and Kosh have formed an Army Of Light, This means that they're AOLers. Kosh is the head honcho, and as such is the definitive AOLer, hence Kosh is,.... Ford Thraxton (or Theron Fuller. They're the same person anyway, right?)
173) You're walking home late at night and you look up at the sky and see a cloud formation that looks amazingly like Delenn's (old) head sticking out of Kosh's suit's collar...and then you wonder what the significance of this might be....
174) You discover that the 1996 tabs on Minnesota license plates are Green and you find yourself wondering why they've never been Purple.
175) You walk past two small racing cars, look at them and think:"A green one, a purple!!!"
176) Your two-and-a-half year old nephew knows, from the shining example of you and your brother-in-law that the correct response when someone says, "Green" is to say, "Purple" and vice versa.
177) You spend hours taking a VHS cassette apart, scrapping another cassette, and winding the entire tape by hand " to another spool because the one you had "Eyes", "Grail", "Deathwalker" and "Points of Departure" on cracked and would not play.
178) ...and hearing too much about Microslosh..."I was watching And the Sky Full of Stars on Saturday. In the part where a drugged Sinclair is dreaming that he is trying to get the attention of a sluggish computer, I said: 'Damn that Windows58.'" [ the meat grinder]
179) You pass by a recruitment poster for the PSI CHI Fraternity (Psychology), and you start to wonder how long the PSI Corps has had an office on you campus.
180) You watch "ST:TMP" (for the millionth time), you wonder what the hell Bester is doing on the bridge of the Enterprise.
181) You plan a B5 rally, and hold it at Sheridan Circle. [Washington, DC: near 23 and M streets, NW]
182) You seriously consider declining a request to speak at a convention in San Diego because you're not all that sure when it's going to be destroyed..!
183) You see a license plate frame for Marin County Autos and misread it: "Narn County Autos" and when you think a great sequel might be "Jurasik Park."
184) You find yourself wondering what a Pak'ma'ra chef would make of Mr. Sebastian's meat-tenderizing techniques in the preparation of Rack of Human and of Grilled Minbari.
185) You suddenly realise that, despite what you've been thinking for the past year, the word on the face of your watch is actually "Delan" not "Delenn" - it's weird because before I started watching B5 I must have known it was Delan...
186) The cashier at McDonald's says "Will that be for here or to go?" and you say "Yes."
187) Your browsing in a bookstore and see a book called "The B^2 Chronicles" and get very excited, thinking you'll finally discover what *really* happened. (I was too disappointed to remember what the book's really about)
188) You wonder that since Minbari Flarn is green, do they have something purple on the same plate so as not to show bias.
189) You keep looking up at the sky for Shadows.
190) Your car breaks down and you call it a "fraggin piece of _____" (appropriate expletive added here).
191) You begin suffering severe withdrawal pains, and wish to only lie down and die until October (US viewers without UK friends only).
192) You begin seeing purple wombats doing showtunes in your bathtub (you heard me right, PURPLE wombats....).
193) You're afraid to play baseball....
194) You can't stand to see PURPLE and GREEN in the same room together.
195) Suddenly, spiders and cockroaches make you VERY nervous; and...shoot, lost the idea. <There is a hole in your mind . . .>
196) "I was in the hospital recently and as I was filling out all those little menus where they offer you such culinary delights as "Braised Oxtails" [sic] which turns out to be something that looks like Purina Rat Chow, I noticed that one of the entrees read "KOSH MEATLOAF." A nurse had to tell me that "Kosh" was a typo and it should have read kosher. I just felt like sharing that moment."
197) Wow. That and a misspelled Thai dish, "Satai Sticks", are probably the ultimate in Pak'ma'ra many would get to eat them?
198) The newspaper had an article a few weeks ago "O'Hare faces Terrorist Threat". It took me a minute to figure out they meant the airport.
199) You're watching MTV's Beavis & Butt-Head, and the episode they are showing has the 60's-style teacher showing an animation he did in school; presenting two characters, a GREEN character and a PURPLE character, both with long knives; and you start this the B&B animator's view of Drazi? (he has 'em fighting!)
200) You are looking for new transportation and the only vehicles that appeal to you are the Ford Ranger and the Dodge Shadow. (That is, since you can't find any Starfuries for sale...)
201) You're standing in your back garden, night is about to fall, you look up at the clear blue sky, see a little dark shape way way up there, and in that tiny fraction of a second before you realise it's just a plane, you think OH SHIT!!
202) You're a Minnesotan going to school in Wisconsin and you can't decide who to root for in Sunday's Vikings-Packers match-up: Purple or Green?
203) You're dozing, waiting for the VCR to start recording B5 (it comes on at 2:00 A.M. here) and, when the VCR starts up, you jump, thinking you've just heard someone power up a PPG.
204) Your little miniature dachshund by the name of Shadow comes up to you wanting attention and you ask the dog "What do you want?" and upon realizing what you just asked, stops you cold for a very long moment.
205) You get a phone call during an intimate moment with your wife and you answer the phone by saying, "what is it you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy".
206) On the same day you start reading the personalized plates as B5 related. The first was this morning when I saw a plate that said CPR VIR and immediately thought it meant Centauri Prime Vir. Then tonight on the way home there was another that read VR LN and I filled it in to read Vorlon.

Have more? E-mail me with your own YKYBWTMB5W! And I'll add them to the list!

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zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or zorlo[nospam]
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