Our Sanitation Engineer: Jeff "Stretch" Hardy

Deep Thoughts by Jeff Hardy:
  • Life's merely a dream, but with feelings.
  • "How high is the sky?" (asked to Stretch by his kid)
  • As you walk out of the mall you look to the sky and wonder, `Where the hell did I park my car?`
  • "The other day as I got to work a man asked me, `Do you walk to work?` and I replied, `No, I carry my lunch.`"
  • If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and you're sitting watching Charlie's Angels do you really care about the tree?
  • "A man walked up to me the other day and said, `Son, you don't know me,` and he kept walking."
  • It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.
  • Why is it called `taking a poop` and not `leaving a poop`? I mean, you're not *taking* is anywhere, are you?

Send e-mail to Stretch!

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Tom Kroeger
Horan Hall 1993-1998
zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or zorlo@yahoo.com
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