Calendar of Events

Weekly Events

Hall Council Meetings Sundays @ 9:00pm - Social Room
Horan Staff Meetings Wednesdays @ 9:00pm - Social Room
Movie Nite Sundays @ 7:00pm - TV Lounge

Annual Events

Paul's Birthday Sunday, August 24
Reg Week Sunday, August 24 to
Saturday, August 30
C.U.B.E. Fest Thursday, August 28 to
Monday, September 1
Homecoming Week Monday, September 29 to
Saturday, October 4
Homecoming Parade 10:00am - Saturday, October 4
Stretch's Birthday Between December 1 and 15
Horan Hall Pig Roast Saturday, April 25

New Hall Director Interviews Thursday, October 31 to
Thursday, November 6
Horan Hall Pig Roast Saturday, April 26
Noon to 9:00pm!!

Return to the Horan Hall Homepage

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[The Men]

[The Staff]

[Hall Council]


[Paul's Page]

[Stretch's Page]

Tom Kroeger
Horan Hall 1993-1998
zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or
© 1996-2004 Enosian Publishing, Ltd.