Section 1 This organization shall be known as the HORAN HALL COUNCIL, hereafter referred to as the Hall Council.
Section 1 The purpose of the Hall Council is:
  • To promote residence life in both intellectual and social dimensions through programming, funding, involvement, and consultation.
  • To assist each Resident Assistant (RA) in programming through monetary donations and/or involvement/publicity.
  • To assist the hall community and UW-Eau Claire campus and beyond through monetary donations and/or involvement.
  • When requested, to work with the Hall Director and Resident Assistants in any other activity that contributes to the hall community.
  • Section 2 Elected members of the Hall Council shall be eligible to vote on all business that is presented before the Hall Council.
    Section 1 - Eligibility Each Wing Representative shall be enrolled as a student at UW-Eau Claire and be an official resident of Horan Hall.
    Section 2 - Nondiscrimination Horan Hall Council shall not discriminate residents, members or eligibility on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin, or sexual preferrence. (we are an equal opportunity employer!)
    Section 3 - Title/Selection The members of Hall Council shall have the title of Wing Representative. A "Wing Rep" shall be elected by the residents of his respective wing in elections to be conducted by the Resident Assistant no later than the third (3rd) week of the fall semester. The At-Large voting members shall be appointed to said position by the Prime Minister and Hall Director. Any Executive Board member, including the Hall Director and the RA Liaison, is automatically a member of Hall Council. (cf. Art.IV, Sec.3)
    Section 4 - Term Limits The members of Hall Council shall have terms that automatically terminate on the last day of the spring semester, save the Hall Director whose term is indefinite. New members, therefore, shall take his office/position on the first day of summer break.
    Section 1 - Body The body of Horan Hall Council shall consits of two (2) Wing Reps from each wing, five (5) Executive Board members, four (4) At-Large members, the Hall Director, the eight (8) Resident Assistants, and any other Horan Hall residents who would like to be active within Hall Council.
    Section 2 - Voting Members Hall Council shall consist of twenty-five (25) voting members. This includes the sixteen (16) Wing Reps, four (4) At-Large members, the Vice-Ambassador, Mr. Money Bags, Dat Guy With Dat Pen, an RA liaison, and an At-Large Resident Assistant. The Prime Minister shall only cast a vote in the event of a tie or a need for quorum. The Hall Director shall serve as a voting member only if exception is granted by the Prime Minister.
    Section 3 - Executive Board The Executive Board of Hall Council shall consist of five (5) members: The Prime Minister (President), Vice-Ambassador (Vice-President), Mr. MoneyBags (Treasurer), Dat Guy With Dat Pen (Secretary), and a Resident Assistant Liaison. The RA Liaison shall be appointed by the Hall Director. The Hall Director shall also serve in an advisory position on the Executive Board.
    Section 4 - Officers The Officers of Hall Council shall be titled Prime Minister (President), Vice-Ambassador (Vice-President), Mr. Money Bags (Treasurer), and Dat Guy With Dat Pen (Secretary). The Officers shall be voted on in the spring of the previous year in an election held during a Hall Council meeting. Elections are presided over by the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister is running for any position, the next highest level, non-running officer shall preside over the election. If all officers are involved, the Hall Director shall hold the election. Any Horan Hall resident is eligible to run for any officer position, although non-members cannot vote in any case.
    Section 1 - Duties of the Prime Minister (President) Duties of the Prime Minister are as follows:
  • Shall preside over Hall Council meetings.
  • Shall only cast a vote in the event of a tie.
  • Shall appoint four (4) individuals to At-Large positions within Hall Council at hte beginning of each academic year.
  • Conduct elections to fill vacant officers' positions.
  • Shall serve on the Presidents' Committee.
  • Shall delegate or take any responsibility necessary to the success of Hall Council, including, but not limited to, creating special positions and requesting special meetings.
  • Section 2 - Duties of the Vice-Ambassador (Vice-President) Duties of the Vice-Ambassador are as follows:
  • Shall preside over Hall Council meetings in the Prime Minister's absence.
  • Shall assume the duties of the Prime Minister in the event of a vacancy of the Prime Minister.
  • Shall serve on Presidents' Committee if needed.
  • Shall assist the Prime Minister in any necessary activities.
  • Shall serve as parliamentarian of Hall Council meetings.
  • Section 3 - Duties of Mr. Money Bags (Treasurer) Duties of Mr. Money Bags are as follows:
  • Shall acquaint himself with University regulations regarding use of Hall Council funds.
  • Shall conduct all financial affairs according to University regulations for fund use.
  • Shall keep a legal record of all assest, liabilities, expenditures and income of Hall Council and allow this to be public record at all times.
  • Shall ensure that the authorization of Hall Council funds comes from either himself, the Prime Minister, or Hall Director.
  • Shall chair or oversee all fund-raising activities, including the sale od Hall Council Activity Stickers.
  • Section 4 - Duties of Dat Guy With Dat Pen (Secretary) Duties of the Dat Guy With Dat Pen are as follows:
  • Shall Shall keep accurate minutes of all actions taken by the Hall Council during weekly meetings.
  • Shall post these minutes within access of Horan residents either by himself or by distribution to Wing Reps or RA's.
  • Shall maintain all Hall Council files.
    Section 1 Horan Hall Council shall have representatives in all residence hall organizations and committees unless no such interest exists in being represented. Hall Council shall elect representatives to RHAB, UHC, Dining Services Committee, RHEG, and MOSAIC. These representatives will then be responsible for weekly reports at Hall Council meetings. It shall also be desired that Horan Hall Council attempt to have at least one (1) Horan resident be an active member of NRHH.
    Section 2 The Hall Council shall have the following standing committees: Hall Improvements, Movie Night, and Hall Activities. These committees shall have a chairman who reports to the Hall Council when appropriate.
    Section 3 - Hall Improvements Committee
  • Shall make suggestions to, and communicate with, UWEC Housing and Residence Life concerning physical chages or improvements to Horan Hall itself.
  • Shall keep an accurate account of the Hall Council equipment checked out at the front desk.
  • Shall bring suggestions from the sugesstion box to Hall Council in a timely manner.
  • Shall address any other issues assigned to it by the Executive Board and/or Hall Director.
  • Section 4 - Movie Night Committee
  • Shall complete or delegate any responsibilities concerning the weekly movie night.
  • Shall bring a list of ideas to Hall Council and make an honest effort to show the movie chosen at the previous meeting.
  • Shall help coordinate movie night popcorn sales if applicable.
  • Section 5 - Hall Activities Committee
  • Shall aid in the planning of any social events and/or hall activities as Hall Council sees fit.
  • Shall plan an end-of-the-year, all-hall party. A Pig Roast is the traditional format.
  • Shall aid the Resident Assistants, Hall Director, or Hall Council in promoting hall activities.
    Section 1 Regular meetings shall be held every week, save the breaks between fall and spring semesters. Meetings are not governed by Robert's Rules of Order unless requested by the presiding oficer.
    Section 2 Hall Council meetings can be attended by any resident.
    Section 3 - Voting Voting is on a majority rules basis and shall consist of two (2) types: Member voting and Attending voting. Member voting is limited to the voting members in attendance. Attending voting is open to all in attendance. Member voting shall be used in the following cases: Any motion concerning Hall Council funds; any election concerning positions including organizations representatives; any election for an officer's position; and any other motion which the Prime Minister or Parliamentarian feels should be restricted in vote due to the nature of the motion. Attending voting shall be used for Resident and Tool of the Week, movie of the week, and any motion the Prime Minister or Parliamentarian sees fit due to the nature of the motion. There is no official quorum for the needed vote except in cases of removal of officers. (cf. Art.VIII, Sec.1)
    Section 1 - Removal From Office An Officer may be removed officially due the following: chronic absence from Hall Council meetings; failure to perform duties; failure to meet constitutional mandations; or any conduct unbecoming of the organization or Horan Hall. The removal must pass by two-thirds of the voting members with a quorum of 51% (13 of 25 votes). the Prime Minister's vote will replace the vote of the officer being removed. If the officer is removed, his position is declared vacant and open.
    Section 2 - Recall Any officer may be recalled to his position if two-thirds of the hall residents sign a petition asking for the officer's recall. This procedure will be verified by both the Hall director and the highest ranking officer still within his position.
    Section 3 - Resignation The resignation of a Wing Rep or Officer shall not be valid until said resignation has been presented in writing to the Executive Board. If any officer is hired as a Resident Assistant, his resignation is automatic and the office is declared vacant.
    Section 4 - Filling Vacancies Any given vacancy shall be filled according to its respective office.
  • Wing Rep: The RA shall appoint another member of his wing to fill the position until the end of the semester at which time another election may be held.
  • At-Large Member: The Prime Minister and/or Hall Director shall appoint someone to fill the position for the duration of the year.
  • Officers: In the event of a vacancy of the office of the Prime Minister, the Vice-Ambassador shall assume said position. The remaning officers shall move into any higher office if so desired. the order of sucession is as follows: Prime Minister, Vice-Ambassador, Mr. Money Bags, Dat Guy With Dat Pen. After the positions have been offered to remaining officers, the Hall Council shall hold an election to fill the vacant officers' position(s).
    Section 1 The Hall Council may adapt, revise, or amend, by two-thirds vote of its members present, such bylaws that do not countermand this constitution, provided that notice of the amendment(s) or revision(s) are submitted at the previous meeting of the Hall Council. this Constitution shall be rewritten with the same format as previously stated and must be updated every seven years to be valid.
    Thank You For Your Patronage =:)

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    Tom Kroeger
    Horan Hall 1993-1998
    zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or
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