Meet Emma Lola: Bitch with an attitude.

Emma is the former Horan Hall guard dog belonging to our beloved former hall director, Laura Gintz-Jasper. Emma loved Horan Hall and Horan Hall loved Emma. At Hall Council meetings and our various social events (or in general) we had fun teasing Emma. All you had to do was hold out a hand and pretend to want to thwack her nose. She'd snarl or growl and if you got too close she'd even try to bite your hand off...if she didn't start sneezing first. We loved teasing her. She was *very* protective of everything in Horan Hall, especially her food. But, if you had food, or were eating in front of her, she would be your friend for life.

Emma was one of the best things about Horan Hall during the Gintzy-Years. We miss her.

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Tom Kroeger
Horan Hall 1993-1998
zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or
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