Views from and of Horan Hall

Click on an image to enlarge.

Horan Hall:
King of the Hill!

Horan Backyard in the Spring
(view from Room 118)

Hilltop Center
(view from Room 118)

A Wintertime Panoramic shot of Lower Campus from Horan Hall's Backyard.

Horan Hall Backyard in the Winter
(view from Room 118)

South Wing & Main Entrance
(November 1997 view from Hilltop Circle)

North Wing & Side Entrance

Undated b/w pic of Horan Hall
(Late 1970's/Early 1980's perhaps?)
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ASCII text image by Brent Rossow

E-mail me if you have more pix of or from Horan Hall!

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Tom Kroeger
Horan Hall 1993-1998
zorlo@ti.m4.andro.a-t.jooz or
© 1996-2004 Enosian Publishing, Ltd.